Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use of Ollabot Company.

1. General Information

These terms of sale and use (the "Terms") govern the access and use of the services provided by Ollabot, whose president is Mr. Michael AGNASSIA residing at 13 Ter-15 Rue Auguste Gervais, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France. The company's phone number is 0749227278, and the customer support email is [email protected]. Ollabot offers subscriptions for the creation of AI chatbots on its online application (SaaS) at the URL: https://app.ollabot.com.

2. Acceptance of the Terms

By (a) purchasing a subscription through an online order process that references these Terms, (b) signing up for a free or paid access plan through a platform that references these Terms, or (c) clicking on a box indicating acceptance, you agree to be bound by these Terms. The person accepting these Terms does so on behalf of a company or other legal entity ("Customer"); they represent and warrant that they have the authority to bind this entity and its affiliates to these Terms. If the person accepting these Terms does not have this authority, or if the entity does not accept these terms, that person must not accept these Terms and cannot use the services.

3. Description of the Service

Ollabot offers a cloud-based service for creating chatbots for customer support, sales, and user engagement (the "Service"). Anything the Customer (including users) configures, customizes, uploads, or uses via the Service is considered a "User Submission." The Customer is solely responsible for all User Submissions they contribute to the Service.

4. Customer Subscription

Subject to the terms of this agreement, the Customer may purchase a subscription and has the right to access and use the Service as specified in one or more order screens agreed upon by the parties via the Ollabot website or the service portal that references these Terms and describes the commercial terms related to the Customer's subscription ("Order(s)"). All subscriptions are for the period described in the applicable Order ("Subscription Period"). Use and access to the Service are only authorized for individuals authorized by the Customer and only for the internal needs of the Customer's business and not for the benefit of any third party ("Users").

5. Ollabot Ownership

Ollabot owns the Service, the Ollabot software, content, documentation, and any other materials provided by Ollabot to the Customer (collectively "Ollabot Materials"). Ollabot retains all rights, titles, and interests (including all intellectual property rights) in the Ollabot Materials, any underlying technology, and any updates, improvements, modifications, or corrections thereto, as well as any derivative works or modifications thereof.

6. Customer Responsibilities and Restrictions

The Customer is responsible for all activities on their account and those of their users, except in cases of unauthorized access resulting from vulnerabilities in the Service itself. The Customer must ensure that their users are aware of and comply with the obligations and restrictions set forth in these Terms, being responsible for any breach by a user. The Customer agrees not to, and will not permit users or third parties to directly or indirectly: (a) modify, translate, copy, or create derivative works based on the Service; (b) disassemble, decompile, or attempt to discover the source code or underlying ideas of the Service except as legally authorized; (c) sublicense, sell, rent, distribute, or otherwise commercially exploit the Service; (d) remove proprietary notices from the Service; (e) use the Service in violation of laws or regulations; (f) attempt to access or disrupt the Service without authorization; (g) use the Service to support products competing with Ollabot; (h) test the vulnerability of the Service without authorization.

7. Third-Party Services

The Service may interact with third-party products, services, or applications that are not owned or controlled by Ollabot ("Third-Party Services"). Customers may choose to use these Third-Party Services in conjunction with our Service. If integration of the Service with a Third-Party Service is required, Customers must provide their login information to Ollabot solely for the purpose of allowing Ollabot to provide its Service. Ollabot does not endorse any Third-Party Service and is not responsible for any issues arising from their use.

8. Financial Terms

Customers must pay for access and use of the Service as detailed in the applicable Order ("Fees"). All Fees are billed in the currency specified in the Order or, if no currency is specified, in US dollars. Payment obligations are non-cancelable, and except as expressly provided in these Terms, Fees are non-refundable. Ollabot reserves the right to modify its Fees or introduce new fees at its discretion. Customers may choose not to renew their subscription if they do not agree with the revised fees.

9. Term and Termination

Subscriptions to the Service begin on the start date specified in the applicable Order ("Subscription Start Date") and continue for the duration of the Subscription Period. Customers may choose not to renew their Subscription Period by notifying Ollabot at [email protected] (subject to Ollabot confirming this cancellation in writing) or by modifying their subscription via their account settings in the Service. This agreement takes effect on the first day of the Subscription Period and remains in effect for the duration of the Subscription Period indicated in the Order, including renewals and any period during which the Customer uses the Service, even if that use is not under a paid Order ("Term"). If this agreement is terminated by either party, it will automatically terminate all Orders.

11. Modifications

Ollabot reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of this agreement, provided that Customers are notified at least thirty (30) days before such modifications take effect, with modifications posted prominently, for example, on the terms page of the Ollabot website.

12. General Provisions

This agreement does not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary, or employment relationship between Ollabot and the Customer. This agreement is strictly between Ollabot and the Customer and is not intended to benefit any third party. Any notification communication will be made by email. This agreement, including any referenced documents and Orders, constitutes the entire agreement between Ollabot and the Customer, superseding all prior discussions, agreements, and understandings.

By using Ollabot's services, you agree to these terms. For any questions or clarifications, please contact our customer support at [email protected].